Growth and Development
Clinical Research
Should children get their tonsils taken out?
January 17, 2017
Source: CNN
Summary: After reviewing the studies, the researchers found that, even in children with a few infections, their throat infections, health care utilization and school absences improved in the first year after surgery versus those who did not undergo surgery. However, benefits did not persist over time, and longer-term outcomes were limited, the researchers wrote. The researchers noted that they advocate for parents and physicians to make the decision together regarding a possible tonsillectomy for a child. The surgery poses risks, such as the potential for serious bleeding, swelling, infection, or reactions to anesthetics, that must be weighed with the potential benefits.
Breast feeding, bottle feeding, and non-nutritive sucking; effects on occlusion in deciduous dentition
November 19, 2004
Source: Archives of Disease in Childhood
Abstract: To assess the effect of the type of feeding and non-nutritive sucking activity on occlusion in deciduous dentition.
When Should A Baby See A Dentist For The First Time? Earlier Than You Think
June 2018
Introduction: Taking care of your kids' teeth is as important as taking care of the rest of their bodies. Looking at your toothless wonder, it may be hard to imagine a life full of dental visits, orthodontia, and maybe even oral surgery (because wisdom teeth rarely behave themselves and often need to be removed) but they are all a reality and may come sooner than you might think.